I woke up early having had very little sleep. But felt energised and ready to go!! I quickly got into sketching some ideas for what I needed to see on the screen for the app and started fleshing them out for the mockups. You don't realise the complexity of this until actually sit down and try to do it. But that's never deterred me before. I kept working through this all day, only breaking to get more coffee and randomly scan the fridge for food I knew wasn't there. So how many other people do this? You pretty much know what is, it isn't in your fridge and yet you still open it, stand there and look. Not just once, but several times!! Sadly there was no food in there (nor was there any the other times I checked). I managed to find a couple of weet-bix for dinner and pressed on! After my wholesome dinner I worked on the front screen (main menu) for the iPhone. Three hours later I finally had something that looked like an app and I was super happy with. It felt awesome transferring the photoshop mockup onto my iPhone and seeing it just like I would on the screen when it was built! A great end to a very productive day! Can’t wait to make more shots! The End Result!!!
An early idea for the Xcursion Logo The first thing that many budding entrepreneurs do, is get some stationary. The temptation to get business cards printing and think well, that's it, I'm in business now! is a huge one for many people. However, this isn't the best approach and although a logo and branding was on my mind at this point in time, the solution to my problem consumed every single thought. I knew what I needed, but how could I represent this? How could I put together what was rattling around in my mind so that a develop could simply go, 'Yeah, that makes sense, I can build that!'
So rather than brand everything that moved with a cool looking company logo, instead, I started searching for a way to design my product so when a customer looked at it, they knew exactly what it was for! I spent the entire day, shut in the house, frustrated with the horrendously slow pace of the internet searching for tools to make this happen. I finally stumbled upon some cool Photoshop templates of iPhone mockups, with all the individual elements set out! This was perfect. Better still, they were free! With a budget of $0, this fitted in well. I fiddled with the templates, working out how each layer functioned and how I could use each element. Around 3am, with my mind still buzzing, but my eyelids heavy, I climbed crawled the short distance from my desk into bed, drifting off to sleep, wildly excited about all the possibilities in designing a brand new product! I wanted to say that it began here with me leaping off a telegraph pole, but sadly, that wasn't the case, even though it would've been awesome to have been struck by my new idea at this point in time. All I remember thing was how long can I hold the Karate Kid stance for (old school Karate Kid movie not the new one). However, I'll use this as my starting point metaphor, because starting your own business with nothing more than an idea, is just like jumping off a telegraph pole! It's exciting, nerve wracking, adrenaline pumping and a bit nauseating as well. At least when you jump of this pole the journey ends in about 10 sec, but with a business, it keeps going and going and going! So standing there on one leg at the top of the pole, getting wedgied slightly by my climbing harness what next? I have my idea in hand, I have a vision of what I want my idea to look like, but where to from here? I really only had two choices. I could keep my idea to myself, climb back down and be happy with life as it passed me by, forever thinking, hmmm I want what I could've done with that... Or stuff it, yell loudly and do a dramatic flying kick off the pole! I did the flying kick! From the moment I leapt off the pole, that was it, I was committed to making my idea a reality. For me there was no going back, I couldn't scramble back up the pole and back out. It was time to solve this problem and even though I didn't know all the details (or any of them to be exact) as to how I was going to do this, I was now committed to doing it! To kick this new financial year off I'm going to make a comment from this year, but then we're going to jump back twelve months into the past. Totally confused? Well don't be, this is a blog about starting a business. It's a day by day account of what happens on the journey of an entrepreneur, some good, some bad, some horrible, some amazing! It's a story which like a rollercoaster (or more accurately a Wagnerian Opera) is an extraordinarily wild ride! Strap in and let's get started!
December 2017
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